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A Care Partner Guide for Taking Care of Yourself

Here are ways to care for yourself when you're a care partner of someone with kidney disease, on dialysis or seeking a kidney transplant:


  • Take care of yourself first. In order to better care for your loved one, it is important to look out for yourself. Make time for you—whether it’s going for a walk, reading a book, getting coffee with a friend, etc. Looking after your own physical and mental health helps you refuel and maintain a healthy perspective.
  • Talk to other care partners. There are care partners around the world who are in the same position as you. Seek support from the care partner resources links below and engage with other care partners in the DaVita.com care partner forum.
  • Set boundaries. It’s OK to say you need time for you. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, see if a family member or friend can take over care partner duties for a day or two so you can recharge and do some activities you enjoy. You can also look into respite care options for extra help.
  • Communicate your needs to your loved one. No one expects you to carry the weight of being a care partner alone. Acknowledge and discuss the difficult aspects of your role with your loved one so they understand how this journey is affecting you.
  • Find your own care partner(s). Supporting someone with kidney failure is no small task. Create your own support team, which may consist of family, friends, clergy members, pets, etc.


Speak with your loved one and his or her care team to figure out all the ways you can care for your loved one and yourself. 


Care partner resources