Do You Have Symptoms of Kidney Disease?

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CKD symptoms from build-up of wastes in the body

Symptoms of kidney failure that can be caused by a build-up of wastes in the body include:

  • A metallic taste in the mouth or ammonia breath
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Protein aversion (no longer wanting to eat meat)
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Itchiness (pruritis)

CKD symptoms from build-up of fluid in the body

Symptoms of kidney failure that can be caused by a build-up of fluid in the body include:

  • Swelling in the face, feet or hands
  • Shortness of breath (from fluid in the lungs)

CKD symptoms from damage to the kidneys

Symptoms of kidney failure that can be caused by damage to the kidneys include:

  • Making more or less urine than usual
  • Urine that is foamy or bubbly (may be seen when protein is in the urine)
  • Blood in the urine (typically only seen through a microscope)

CKD symptoms from anemia

Symptoms of kidney failure that can be caused by anemia (a shortage of red blood cells) include:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Feeling cold all the time
  • Shortness of breath
  • Mental confusion
  • Desire to chew ice, clay or laundry starch (this is called pica)

If you have any of these symptoms you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible and ask that your kidneys be checked.

Some lab tests your doctor may do include a:

  • urinalysis, which examines a sample of your urine to check for protein, blood and white blood cells in the urine (which should not be there)
  • blood test for creatinine and BUN, waste products that healthy kidneys remove from the bloodstream

Often, early kidney problems don't have many symptoms — but if you are experiencing any of the ones listed here; you will want to be checked by your doctor. Write down any of the symptoms you may have and bring that information with you to your doctor’s appointment. Discovering your kidneys are okay will ease your mind, but even if you learn you have kidney problems, knowing about it sooner may allow you to take steps to slow the progress of kidney disease.

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